
Author: Marie

  • A few weeks ago, the Makerspace hosted some ‘Make your own Rubber Stamp art’ workshops. These sessions were the result of our collaboration with Curtin’s Student Wellbeing Advisory Service. Participants were lucky enough to be guided by AHC McDonald, who is amongst other things, a Student Wellbeing Advisor and fine...

  • Curtin University Hacky Hour is an informal gathering for people working with data in Perth, Western Australia. Brought to you by the Curtin Institute for Computation, all levels of expertise are welcome, across all faculties. You are invited to bring a problem, an idea, a work-in-progress, a finished project, or...

  • GO is known as the oldest game in human civilisation, and is also regarded as one of the original art forms in Asian cultures. The ancient game of GO (also known as 围棋 and바둑 or “the surrounding game”) originated in China about 3-4 thousand years ago, and became popular to...

  • The Curtin Library Makerspace is an exciting space that brings together innovation, design and fabrication for all members of the Curtin community and beyond. New to Semester 1, 2017, we are trialing opening up the Library Makerspace from 10am – 2pm, Monday to Friday. We hope to increase awareness of,...

  • The Curtin Cultural Makathon was a collaborative one-day event between the School of Media, Cultural and Creative Arts, and the Curtin Library makerspace, which brought hackers and makers together to hack cultural datasets and heritage information. The brief was to use government and institutional research data, gallery, library, archive and...

  • The 2016 Festival of Learning was held this month across three days, commencing with an opening ceremony in the Engineering Pavilion. The Curtin Library Makerspace had the opportunity to be involved in the Tech Tasters aspect of this opening event. The aim of the Festival was to immerse and guide...

  • Last year, an incredible amount was achieved to establish our makerspace and its integrative maker community. So where to now? What’s next for the Curtin Makers and how can we maintain the momentum? One of our priorities for this year is to provide our community with a more accessible space...

  • On Tuesday 23rd February, the Curtin Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch (HIVE)* hosted its inaugural Summer Intern Showcase. The eight interns presented an overview of their projects [PDF, 347kB] and followed up with live demonstrations on the HIVE displays. The HIVE Summer Internships gave Curtin students the chance to...