
Year: 2016

  • The Curtin Cultural Makathon was a collaborative one-day event between the School of Media, Cultural and Creative Arts, and the Curtin Library makerspace, which brought hackers and makers together to hack cultural datasets and heritage information. The brief was to use government and institutional research data, gallery, library, archive and...

  • Join the School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts and Curtin Library Makerspace to hack cultural datasets and heritage information. Use government and institutional research data, gallery, library, archive and museum information as data sources. Experiment with data for a research project or proposal; create something accessible, beautiful and/or useful...

  • The Curtin Library Makerspace recently celebrated Research Week at Curtin University by hosting a workshop entitled ‘Supporting Digital Scholarship in the Humanities’. Using a definition of digital scholarship as “the use of digital evidence and method, digital authoring, digital publishing, digital curation and preservation, and digital use and reuse of...

  • In the first semester this year the Curtin Makerspace supported an exciting project to create a Graphical User Interface which would make it easy for non-programmers to use the Kinect camera to interact with a range of 3D environments. The project was conducted under the auspices of Curtin’s Department of...

  • The 2016 Festival of Learning was held this month across three days, commencing with an opening ceremony in the Engineering Pavilion. The Curtin Library Makerspace had the opportunity to be involved in the Tech Tasters aspect of this opening event. The aim of the Festival was to immerse and guide...

  • Last year, an incredible amount was achieved to establish our makerspace and its integrative maker community. So where to now? What’s next for the Curtin Makers and how can we maintain the momentum? One of our priorities for this year is to provide our community with a more accessible space...

  • Much of what we aim to do in the Library Makerspace is extra-curricular, providing opportunities for students to develop skills, knowledge and experience they want or need, and that subsequently supplement their formal learning. However, the Makerspace has also started to directly support the formal teaching curriculum, by providing space...

  • On Tuesday 23rd February, the Curtin Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch (HIVE)* hosted its inaugural Summer Intern Showcase. The eight interns presented an overview of their projects [PDF, 347kB] and followed up with live demonstrations on the HIVE displays. The HIVE Summer Internships gave Curtin students the chance to...

  • One of the exciting projects the Curtin Library Makerspace is working on this year is to establish a virtual makerspace using Minecraft. We have purchased some licences for Minecraft EDU, and will be exploring its potential as a learning environment for our library clients. As an extension to this project,...