
Category: News and Events

  • A few weeks ago, the Makerspace hosted some ‘Make your own Rubber Stamp art’ workshops. These sessions were the result of our collaboration with Curtin’s Student Wellbeing Advisory Service. Participants were lucky enough to be guided by AHC McDonald, who is amongst other things, a Student Wellbeing Advisor and fine...

  • Over the semester break the Makerspace was a second home to a group of international students, who met every day for 3 weeks to participate in the Intensive Academic Program (IAP). The program was facilitated by the Curtin Library and focussed on teaching writing, digital and library skills. Of course,...

  • Welcome to the blog of the Curtin Library Makerspace! Through the blog we hope to bring you regular posts providing information about the Makerspace and the projects happening here, as well as relevant news and events. For those of you familiar with our Makerspace community, you’ll know that we have...

  • By Katherine Egan Last time Bloom was at the Makerspace, we learnt that there were no bad ideas. On the 5th of September we learnt how to sell our ideas to others at the Bloom Curtin Pitch Workshop. Joined by our friends at Enactus Curtin, the workshop was led by...

  • By Charlene Lan On the 22nd of August Bloom Curtin hosted an ideation workshop at the Curtin Library Makers Space. In partnership with the founder of Petz Allowed, Ryan Carson, students explored design thinking techniques and processes, and its application to solving real-world problems. Ryan inspired attendees by sharing his...

  • We are excited that our chapter entitled “The Role of Responsive Library Makerspaces in Supporting Informal Learning in the Digital Humanities” in Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships: A Critical Examination of Labor, Networks and Community, edited by Robin Kear and Kate Joranson (Chandos, 2018) is now published. In the book,...

  • Curtin University Hacky Hour is an informal gathering for people working with data in Perth, Western Australia. Brought to you by the Curtin Institute for Computation, all levels of expertise are welcome, across all faculties. You are invited to bring a problem, an idea, a work-in-progress, a finished project, or...

  • GO is known as the oldest game in human civilisation, and is also regarded as one of the original art forms in Asian cultures. The ancient game of GO (also known as 围棋 and바둑 or “the surrounding game”) originated in China about 3-4 thousand years ago, and became popular to...

  • The Curtin Library Makerspace is an exciting space that brings together innovation, design and fabrication for all members of the Curtin community and beyond. New to Semester 1, 2017, we are trialing opening up the Library Makerspace from 10am – 2pm, Monday to Friday. We hope to increase awareness of,...

  • Join the School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts and Curtin Library Makerspace to hack cultural datasets and heritage information. Use government and institutional research data, gallery, library, archive and museum information as data sources. Experiment with data for a research project or proposal; create something accessible, beautiful and/or useful...

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