
Mentors in the Makerspace

November 15th, 2017 by Library Makers Category: Articles

Roselynn Lang is the New to Curtin Mentoring Program Manager, and used the Makerspace as an area for mentors and mentees to come together.

“The New to Curtin Mentoring Program provides every new to Curtin student a peer mentor to assist them to successfully transition to Curtin. While this project is in its infancy, the Makerspace provides a much needed space to foster a sense of belonging and collaborative peer learning for our 800 mentors and the 12,000 mentees they support.

I have strongly promoted the Makerspace as an exciting area where mentors can meet with their mentees and engage in fun, collaborative activities. The Makerspace helps us develop the mentoring community and a sense of belonging for new students, improve visibility of the program and boost mentor and mentee engagement.

I believe the Makerspace is a brilliant initiative and a great space for staff and students to engage in collaborative, creative activities.”